Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
Lisa Hoffman – Lisa Hoffman is a nonprofit consultant and coach with deep
experience in fund development, facilitation, training, and board and staff
development. Specializing in individual giving, particularly major gifts,
Lisa’s approach is pragmatic and creative, helping nonprofits build their
strengths to raise more money. Her experience with nonprofits is extensive
as a professional, board member and volunteer. Lisa@lisahoffman.
<mailto:Lisa@lisahoffman.net> ; www.lisahoffman.net
<http://www.lisahoffman.net> .
This workshop is approved for CFRE credit.
Gillian has a passion for making the world a better place. She started her
career with Voluntary Service Overseas and has worked for local government,
stimulating inner city recreation. After an MBA, she moved into management
consulting for Global 500 corporations, government and nonprofits. Her
experience has honed her skills in developing relationships to effect change
and secure major funding.