[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW3ba1mDdJE&w=853&h=480]
Lichi is also the director of La Peña’s Community Chorus, check out their website here.
Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW3ba1mDdJE&w=853&h=480]
Lichi is also the director of La Peña’s Community Chorus, check out their website here.
Read this article to learn more about an approach that “brings to life the world that we know is possible. ”
“Most World Courts of Women have focused on specific clusters of issues that are especially relevant to their region, but they have shared the common aims of destabilizing dominant narratives and bringing the realities of the everyday violence in people’s lives to the forefront. Speakers bear witness to many injustices, but the Courts are also about empowerment and the validation of women’s diverse experiences and subject positions.”
The Women’s Economic Agenda Project will Coordinate The Western Court (held in Oakland, CA, May 10-13). Check out their website for more information.
“Because poverty is rapidly growing in the U.S., and how to end poverty gets hardly any serious public discussion, the Women’s Economic Agenda Project and its allies are mounting a series of public hearings to shed more light on this shameful, mostly hidden issue.”
Check-out the blog post that Sandra Fluke made on the Huffington Post
This is the product of women in action – this is what happens when women stand up for what they and their families need to be healthy and are finally heard by people at the highest ranks of our government.