Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
Brazilian-Portuguese Lessons
Wednesdays: 6:30pm – 8:00pm | $10 for 5 class bundle or $15 drop-in
Instructor: Acacia Woods Chan | Location: Back Classroom
For more information: awoodsch@gmail.com
Are you planning on taking a trip to Brazil in the near future? Then this is the class for you!
You’ll do activities where you talk, read and write about things you do in your everyday life: shopping, doctor visits, cooking, travel, etc. Each class explores one theme. Both beginning and beginning/intermediate language learners are welcome.
Sessions are 5 weeks long.
Acacia is a linguist and traveler with 10+ years of language acquisition and cultural immersion experience. She believes in the power of language as a tool of human connection internationally. Acacia has traveled throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, exploring languages and adding to a network of the international community.