Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
$15 Advance / $20 Door
Doors open @ 8:30pm, Event starts @ 9pm
Atajo de San Francisco is a zapateador group dedicated to preserving and spreading knowledge about La Danza De Negritos, a one-of-a-kind tradition from the district of El Carmen, Chincha, Peru. The group was created in 2009 to honor the memory of Amador Ballumbrosio, a leader, zapateador, musician, and head of the Ballumbrosio clan.
Atajo de San Francisco is performing alongside Miguel Ballumbrosio, Amador’s son and a master of La Danza de Negritos. At the show, Miguel will also be releasing his new album, Pachamama.