Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
Film starts at 6pm, and the fandango starts at 8pm
Before the fandango, enjoy a film screening of Antes Como Antes, Ahora Como Ahora, followed by a Q & A!
The documentary is about Son Jarocho redefining itself at the crossroads of globalization–it’s simultaneously a celebration of Son’s diversity, while also affirming the close ties that exists between the ranches, villages, cities and nations.
Disfruten una linda noche y ayúdanos llenarla de música y zapateado!! Traigan jaranas, zapatos, y otros instrumentos musicales que se puede tocar en fandango y la voz bien calentada y su versada!!!
La entrada es gratis y se acepta donaciones para apoyar en la programación de La Peña!
Hey Everyone!!
Our February fandango jarocho is upon us!!! Enjoy an autumn night with us and fill it with music and zapateado! Bring your instruments, dancing shoes and your voices all warmed up and ready to go! Looking forward to seeing you!