Welcome to La Peña! Promoting social justice & intercultural understanding through the arts since 1975.
Cost per workshop: $5 Advance / Or $10 Day of workshop Precio por cada taller: $5 Entrada Adelante / O $10 el Día del taller (Traduccion al español más abajo) You're invited to a one-of-a-kind 1hr workshop to experience the debut of Yoga Para La Gente! This class is taught in both English & Spanish […]
Doors Open 7:30pm / Event begins 8pm $16 Advance / $20 Door ($22 if paying with credit card) In her sixth annual showcase, Flamenco artist Melissa Cruz presents her dancers performing new repertory and solo pieces, exploring the concept of “pellizco” in the art of flamenco. If pellizco can be described as a chosen gesture or personal expression, it is […]
Doors open 6:45pm / Event begins 7pm $20 Advance / $22 Door (CASH ONLY) TO PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE, PLEASE EMAIL fannyara@hotmail.com Fanny Ara Flamenco Dance School will be presenting their 12th full-length student show. Acclaimed Flamenco dancer and teacher Fanny Ara will showcase new and fun choreographies based on traditional flamenco, which will be […]