Interested in getting involved?
Without the help of volunteers and interns, La Peña Cultural Center would not be able to present over 100 cultural events per year and weekly cultural classes. The help of interns and volunteers is crucial for La Peña’s success. Read below for more information on Volunteering and Interning at La Peña, the East Bay’s beacon of Latinx culture and beyond!
Our Volunteers Program is better than ever! Come volunteer at La Peña and you will get:
- Free entry to the event you are volunteering at.
- Free food and beverages throughout the night.
- Short 3-hour shifts so that you can enjoy the event.
- For every two events that you volunteer for, you get one free ticket for a monthly La Peña event!
Volunteers have played a vital role in the life of La Peña. Volunteers have the opportunity to experience the amazing art, culture, politics, and community of La Peña while making an important contribution. Our greatest need for volunteers is the staffing of our weekly Thursday through Sunday evening programs. Volunteer program staffing involves set-up/tear-down for events, greet guests as they arrive, and take tickets at the door while enjoying a free show!
Volunteers can play other roles at La Peña as well, including assisting with special projects, fundraising, publicity, office work, facilities maintenance, etc. The center benefits from community involvement and having donated labor keeps our center affordable to many people. We need your help to staff our programs, aide in grassroots publicity, participate in fundraising activities, bulk mailings, and much more. We also use volunteers for graphic design projects, videography, photography and other specialized skill sets! Fill out the form if you would like to volunteer and we will see how your availability and skill sets can best serve La Peña’s needs.
Work Study (ask for availability)
A work study internship at La Peña will give you real world experience that you will take with you for the rest of your life. It can jump-start relationships with many organizations that we work with, not to mention all of the new skills you will develop and the satisfaction you will get when you experience first-hand how your work positively affects the many communities we serve. Our interns have moved on to work in different organization in the Bay Area and beyond!
Work Study Internship Opportunities:
- Marketing/Community Outreach: Work with the Marketing team on publicizing our events online, emailing the media, writing press releases, reaching out to the community and other organizations, etc.
- Graphic Design: Designing flyers, posters and other publicity materials for La Peña programs. This would involve working with La Peña’s Publicity and Program Coordinators.
- Program Staffing: Staffing our evening programs includes working with the House Manager to set and clean up the house, work as an usher and/or sell tickets during the program. All interns would be expected to spend a portion of their hours doing this work and could learn to be house manager themselves.
- Program Documentation: Video/audio/photographic documentation of La Peña’s programs. Could include video and/or audio recording of La Peña’s programs and editing them for multiple uses, including general publicity, posting on our website, etc.
- Programming Support: Work with Program Coordinator to book programs, respond to potential performers/groups, coordinate logistics for programs, etc. Help initiate/organize special programming initiatives, series, festivals, etc.
- Fundraising: Work with Development Director and Development Associate in planning/organizing fundraising activities, including annual fundraising benefit, house parties, raffle, etc.
Contact us by filling out the form below! We are looking forward to discussing how your skill-set and interests can mutually benefit La Peña and enable your growth as an individual and as a working professional!